Renryu; decorative plate by Masami Kato

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Next event - E8 Art Trail with "Ascending Colours 3" Sat 7th & Sun 8th June

Ascending Colours – a collective; 1 ceramic artist, 1 linocut printmaker, 1 curator/producer (myslef) and 1 food blogger will be participating E8 Art Trail over the weekend of the 7th anf 8th June.  As we are approaching a warmer and delightful time of the year when we the outdoor entertainments are fully enjoyed, our theme for the event will be “colour of nature”.  Expect a powerful colour explosion of the mother nature!

The photo from the last project meeting taken at Lea’s studio where the event will take place. From left clockwise; myself, Donna (the printmaker) and Lea (the ceramic artist) – Miki the food blogger was present via zoom. 



Ceramics, Prints & more

